Update: The final Triennial Strategic Plan has been posted. Please refer to this document instead of the draft below.
The process and schedule to develop the Triennial Strategic Plan was discussed during the ITS Committee meeting that was conducted during the 2023 TRB Annual Meeting. The plan is to draft concepts, prepare several drafts of a Triennial Strategic Plan, and continue to involve and obtain feedback from Committee members and friends in the review and discussion about this plan. We would like to have final draft of the Triennial Strategic Plan for members to approve during the Committee’s meeting that will be conducted during the 2024 TRB Annual Meeting.
Based on the dialog and feedback provided during the Committee meeting this past January, the team of volunteers leading this effort, have drafted the initial concepts to frame the ultimate development of a Triennial Strategic Plan for the ITS Committee.
ACTION: By April 14 send review comments on the initial draft of the initial concepts (link removed) of what to consider including in the Triennial Strategic Plan to jon.obenberger@dot.gov:
- Scope
- Future outlook statement (e.g., mission, scope)
- Goals and key activities
- Key topics (and teams) to lead future Committee activities
The volunteers leading this effort, will prepare an initial draft of the ITS Committee’s Triennial Strategic Plan and send it for your review by the middle or end of May. When this draft is distributed for review, coordination will also begin to collaborate with other TRB committees, organizations, and groups.
Add to your calendar the mid-year meeting of the ITS Committee that will take place at 10:00am ET on Thursday, June 29th. This meeting will be held during the 2023 International Symposium on Freeway and Tollway Operations being conducted in Vienna, Austria. Additional details on this meeting and how to participate in this meeting virtually will be forwarded.
The program and registration to participate in the Symposium is available at: https://www.austriatech.at/en/ISFO2023.