Tag: TRB
TRB Webinar: National Digital Infrastructure Strategy & Roadway Operations Data Exchanges (RODx)
The TRB Standing Committee on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ACP15) is sponsoring an upcoming TRB webinar workshop to advance discussions about a national roadway operations data exchange (RODx) for the National […]
TRB ITS Committee Mid-Year Meeting
This year’s mid-year meeting will be held in Vienna during the ISFO2023 event. The meeting will be held at the AustriaTech Office. Meeting Location AustriaTech Office, Raimundgasse 1/6, 1020 Vienna, […]
Automated Road Transportation Symposium
This Symposium will build on the highly successful 2012-2020 Automated Vehicle Symposia and the 2021-2022 Automated Road Transportation Symposia. ARTS23 will provide updates on the current research and development, advanced […]