Needed: ITS Paper Reviewers

Paper review is one of the most critical activities our volunteers conduct on the part of the ITS Committee of TRB. Each year, our committee is assigned a good number of papers for review, evaluation, prioritization, and ultimately presentation at the annual meeting and/or publication in the Transportation Research Record. We need you to help us with this critical function.

The ITS Committee (ACP15) is looking for volunteers to review papers submitted to our committee this year.

If you are interested in helping our committee in reviewing paper(s) this year, please provide your name, affiliation and email address associated with your TRB accounts using the following Signup genius link.

Once we receive the list of papers assigned to our committee in August 2023, Hany Hassan (our paper review coordinator) will contact you and give you priority to select reviewing papers that interest you.

Please sign up by August 15th if you’re interested in reviewing papers.