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TRB Webinar: National Digital Infrastructure Strategy & Roadway Operations Data Exchanges (RODx)

December 1, 2023 @ 1:00 pm2:30 pm


The TRB Standing Committee on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ACP15) is sponsoring an upcoming TRB webinar workshop to advance discussions about a national roadway operations data exchange (RODx) for the National Roadway Network Digital Infrastructure Strategy.

TRB will host a webinar on Friday, December 1, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Eastern that will explore the status and nature of this evolving strategy, and its context for RODx and platforms to enable vehicle-roadway connectivity. Presenters will provide diverse industry perspectives to illustrate the technologies and systems techniques that are offering near-term solutions. This webinar will blend brief presentations with an interactive facilitated discussion of strategically critical topics.

TRB Webinar: National Digital Infrastructure Strategy & Roadway Operations Data Exchanges (RODx)
Date/Time: Friday, December 1, 2023 from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Eastern

Webinar agenda and presenters

  1. What is being done to explore and advance a national roadway network digital infrastructure strategy? – Deepak Gopalakrishna, ICF
  2. What is the concept of RODx and how could it be implemented at national roadway network scale? – Virginia Lingham, ICF
  3. What are the expectations of the vehicle technology and mobility services industry for RODx-enabled national digital infrastructure? – Sue Bai, Honda
  4. Insights and perspectives from members of the RODx industry roundtable led by Dean Deeter, Athey Creek Consultants
    • Mike Haas, Arcadis U.S.
    • Shane Zumpf, Trihydro
    • Steve Voit, Monotch
    • Mike Brown, SWRI
    • Nikola Ivanov, University of Maryland
  5. Question and answer session moderated by John Corbin, Federal Highway Administration

The first 70 minutes of the webinar will be for presentations and the final 20 minutes will be reserved for audience questions.

Additional information and registration can be found at:  https://webinar.mytrb.org/Webinars/Details/1724


December 1, 2023
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
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DC United States
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