Registration Link:
- Introductions and Review Agenda (5 min.)
- Updates from ITS Committee Teams (20 min.)
- Roadway Digital Infrastructure, John Corban
- Sharing and Using Information, Sudhakar Nallamothu
- Planning for the Next Generation of TMSs, Pete Marshall
- Emerging Concepts and Practices, Matt Junak
- Review of Proposed Approach for ITS Teams Identifying Research Needs and Topics for Proposed Future Research, ITS Committee Teams and Obenberger (15 min.)
- Review Options for Submitting Papers and Research Results to Present During 2025 TRB Annual Meeting and ITS Committee Paper Awards, Hany Hassan (5 min.)
- Review Updating Registration to ITS Committee Email List and Updates on ITS Committee Website, Gunnar Rhone (5 min.)
- Review Agenda for Mid-year ITS Committee Meeting (Aug. 12) and Schedule for Managed Lanes Symposium (Aug. 12-15) Irvine, CA, Obenberger (5 min.)
- Other Announcements (5 min.)
- Adjourn