The ITS Committee Mid-Year Meeting will take place in-person and virtually. The in-person meeting will take place at the Managed Lanes Symposium in Irvine, CA.
If you would like to attend virtually, and haven’t received an invite, fill out the registration form to receive an invite.
- Introduction and Review Agenda (5 Min., Jon Obenberger)
- TRB Update (5 Min., Cynthia Jones)
- Updates From ITS Committee Teams (45 Min.)
- Roadway Digital Infrastructure (John Corbin and Jim Misener)
- Sharing and Using Information (Sudhakar Nallamothu and Chandra Sekhar Talluri)
- Next Generation of Traffic Management Systems (Pete Marshall)
- ITS Emerging Concepts and Practices (Matt Junak and Raj Ponnaluri)
- ITS Committee Activities and Announcements (10 Min., Jon Obenberger)
- 2025 TRB Annual Meeting Paper Reviews for and ITS Committee Paper Awards (5 Min., Hany Hassan)
- Review Need to Register for ITS Committee Email List and Updates on ITS Committee Website (5 Min., Gunnar Rhone)
- Review Plan to Identifying Research Needs and Feedback on Initial Draft Proposals for Each ITS Committee Team (30 Min., Jon Obenberger)
- Roadway Digital Infrastructure
- Sharing and Using Information
- Next Generation of Traffic Management Systems
- ITS Emerging Concepts and Practices
- Review of Feedback Provided During Digital Infrastructure Sponsored Session Conducted During ARTS Symposium (15 Min., John Corbin)
- California DOT Update – Current and Planned ITS Program Activities (45 min., David Man)
- Other Announcements (5 min.)
- Review Draft Agenda for ITS Committee Fall Meeting and Adjourn