The Research Subcommittee supports the ITS Committee research efforts to advance the state of the practice and state of the art in Intelligent Transportation Systems. The activities of the Subcommittee include:
- Facilitate development, reviews and Committee prioritization of ITS research problem statement proposals
- Identify research needs and proposals appropriate to collaborate with other TRB Committees and possible sponsors
- Submit research ideas to AASHTO CTSO Research Work Group via research operations (ROPS) database on NOCoE website
- Facilitate partners supporting and submitting ITS research problem statement proposals into NCHRP annual process to sponsor new research
- Facilitate partners (e.g., Traffic Management Center Pooled Fund Study) supporting, sponsoring, or advancing work based on ITS research problem statement proposals
- Identify research needs, ongoing, and results to incorporate into Committee activities
- Support consideration of ITS research needs in sponsors activities (e.g., AASHTO CTSO and Research Work Group, Pooled Fund Studies (e.g., TMC, TIM))
Recent NCHRP research problem statements developed and/or co-sponsored by ITS Committee:
Year | Title | Funding Status/Amount | Link |
FY2025 | Integrating the Use of New Software Subsystems and Software Within Evolving Traffic Management Systems | Funded/$350,000 | Link |
FY2024 | Data Management Plans, Practices, and Data Subsystems for Traffic Management Systems (2024-G-25) | Funded/$500,000 | Link |
FY2023 | Capabilities, Requirements, Planning, and Preparing to Virtually Operate Traffic Management Systems (TMS) (2023-G-26) | Funded/$600,000 | Link |
FY2021 | Utilizing Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) Data to Enhance the Use of Freeway Operational Strategies (2021-B-29) | Funded/$500,000 | Link (Report) |