Description: Agencies typically don’t have institutionalized processes to support planning for TMS acquisitions, improvements, or replacement. It’s very often done on a one-off or ad-hoc basis. This initiative will explore and identify information on agencies setting a strategic direction for their TMS, planning for improvements to TMSs, and incorporating the future needs for TMSs into agency and regional planning and programming processes. Issues to consider and opportunities will include:
- Assess and establish a baseline of current TMSs capabilities and performance
- Scope of planning effort (e.g., feasibility study, system implementation), resources needed, analysis to conduct, issues to consider, and elements of plan capturing results
- Stakeholders to include in process and build support for proposed improvements
- Support and resources to facilitate process, plan preparation, and improvements
- Key issues to incorporate from or link to agency or regional plans
- Data and information (e.g., policies, procedures) to consider in planning
Action plan:
- Conduct webinar highlighting results of workshop “Setting a Strategic Direction for Agency TMSs” conducted during 2023 TRB Annual Meeting and 2023 International Symposium
- Conduct workshop at 2024 TRB Annual Meeting “Preparing for, conducting, and summarizing the results of a TMSs assessment”
- Develop problem statements to advance research on TMSs:
- Software subsystems and products to meet current & evolving TMS needs
- Opportunities to enable TMSs sharing agency owned software and tools
- Facilitate the sharing of TMS information, highlight practices, or provide counsel:
- Share information on TMS portal, National Operations Center for Operations Excellence website
- Support peer-to-peer exchanges or webinars (e.g., TRB, NOCoE, TMC Pooled Fund Study)
- Facilitate engaging experts in activities involving TMSs of partner organizations or TRB (e.g., review products developed by TMC Pooled Fund Study, NCHRP projects, AASHTO CTSO)
- Share information on TMS portal, National Operations Center for Operations Excellence website
Lead: Pete Marshall, D2 Traffic Technologies (
Volunteers: Jon Obenberger, FHWA; KR Marshall, WSP; Slade Engstrom, Transystems; Jibril Babatunle, Tennessee DOT; Tucker Brown, SWRI; Alejandro Sanchez-Badillo, Battelle; Zorica Cvijovic, Trihydro.