Emerging Concepts and Practices Team

Description: Motivation for considering emerging concepts and practices due to public agencies encountering challenges with new technologies and practices being advanced, limited research and available information, need to separate fact and fiction, and topics may not fit within other committee scopes. This initiative is expected to spur further research and committee focus on emerging concepts and practices through research statements, curated call for papers, increase public/private collaboration, and grow and diversify membership.

Action plan:

  1. Establish Liaisons with TRB Committees and organizations (e.g. ITSA, IEEE, NEMA, ITE)
  2. Coordinate with ACP20 Freeways Ops Emerging Freeway Operations Issues and Concepts Subcommittee
  3. Develop problem statements and partnerships to sponsor advancing research on emerging concepts
  4. Facilitate the sharing of information and highlight innovative practices (e.g., Committee meetings, website, newsletter, social media, webinars, peer-to-peer exchanges)

Lead: Matt Junak, HNTB (mjunak@hntb.com)

Volunteers: Martha Morecock Eddy, Battelle; Nady Moini, New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority; Youwen Duan, University of Michigan; Zorica Cvijovic, Trihydro